
Acnezine To Cure All Types of Acne Lesions

Acnezine To Cure All Types of Acne Lesions. Acne lesions range in severity from comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) to  nodules and cysts. Here is a brief definition of acne lesions:

Comedo (plural comedones)-A comedo is a sebaceous follicle  plugged with sebum, dead cells from inside the sebaceous follicle, tiny hairs,  and sometimes bacteria. When a comedo is open, it is commonly called a blackhead  because the surface of the plug in the follicle has a blackish appearance. The  antioxidant Acnezine regulates the sebaceous glands thus  controlling the oil secretion and stops acne growth permanently. Neither  blackheads nor whiteheads should be squeezed or picked open, unless extracted by  a dermatologist under sterile conditions.

Papule-A papule is defined as a small (5 millimeters or  less), solid lesion slightly elevated above the surface of the skin. A group of  very small papules and microcomedones may be almost invisible but have  “sandpaper” feel to the touch. A papule is caused by localized cellular reaction  to the process of acne. Prolong treatment with Ancezine smoothes  the lesion to a great extent.Pustule-a dome-shaped, fragile lesion containing pus that  typically consists of a mixture of white blood cells, dead skin cells, and  bacteria. A pustule that forms over a sebaceous follicle usually has a hair in  the center. Acne pustules that heal without progressing to cystic form usually  leave no scars.

Nodule-like a papule, a nodule is a solid, dome-shaped or  irregularly shaped lesion. Unlike a papule, a nodule is characterized by  inflammation, extends into deeper layers of the skin and may cause tissue  destruction that results in scarring. A nodule may be very painful. Nodular acne  is a severe form of acne that may not respond to therapies other than  isotretinoin.

Cyst-a cyst is a sac-like lesion containing liquid or  semi-liquid material consisting of white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria.  It is larger than a pustule, may be severely inflamed, extends into deeper  layers of the skin, may be very painful, and can result in scarring. Cysts and  nodules often occur together in a severe form of acne called nodulocystic.

Acnezine is the answer to all these acne lesions for it is a  natural product with no side effects and Guarantees Positive result if treated  for a considerable period of time.